The Waco siege was a lengthy stand-off between the FBI, ATF, and members of the Branch Davidian cult in Waco, Texas. The Branch Davidians was a religious group led by David Koresh, an apocalyptic prophet who claimed to be the messiah. The FBI and ATF had been investigating the group for months, believing that they were illegally stockpiling weapons. On February 28, 1993, ATF officials arrived at the Branch Davidian compound to serve a search warrant and arrest Koresh. However, a gunfight broke out, leading to a 51-day siege that ended in tragedy. During the siege, the FBI and ATF made several unsuccessful attempts to end the stand-off peacefully. Negotiations with Koresh eventually broke down, and the FBI made the decision to end the siege by force, resulting in a violent fire that engulfed the compound. In total, 76 Branch Davidian members died, including Koresh and several children. The Waco siege became a controversial event in American history, with many questioning the FBI's tactics and the legality of the use of deadly force. The incident also highlighted the potential danger of religious cults and extremist groups.