Gerhard Werle is Professor Emeritus at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin where he held the Chair in German and International Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, and Modern Legal History from 1993 to 2020. He has been a visiting professor at various universities worldwide, including Columbia Law School, New York; Kansai University, Osaka; University of Sydney; University of Technology, Sydney; University of Cape Town; and University of the Western Cape, Cape Town. He serves as the Director of the South African-German Research Network for Transnational Criminal Justice and was a member of the Working Group on the Introduction of a Code of Crimes Against International Law established by the German Federal Ministry of Justice. His works on international criminal law, transitional justice, and modern legal history have been published widely in many languages. Florian Jeßberger is the Director of the Franz von Liszt-Institute for International Criminal Law and holds the Chair in Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, International Criminal Law, and Modern Legal History at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. A co-editor of the Journal of International Criminal Justice, he has published widely on issues of German, international, and comparative criminal law. Before joining Humboldt-Universität, he held the Chair in Criminal Law, International Criminal Law, and Modern Legal History at Universität Hamburg where he also served as a Vice Dean. He was a visiting fellow or professor, inter alia, at the University of Oxford, the University of Ferrara, and the University of Naples Féderico II.