Christopher Charette
quick read doesn't explain much of the world nor the "disease" going on at the current time. but it is gory, gripping, and pretty sadistic.
I heard this comic was intense and my friend was right. Gonna read more issues for sure. love the art, intrigued by the story so far and I may have to CROSS over to this adventure.
3 people found this review helpful
Numbers Guy
I own Volumes 1-10 of this series in Hardcovers and its awesome. I even have +100 volumes 1-3, and 'Wish You Were Here' volumes 1-4 all in hardcovers and I'm still in love with this depraved series. I'll have the full series once I get Dead or Alive, +100 Mimic, and Volumes 11-17. I really hope Avatar publishes just 1 last run of CROSSED!!! 🤞🤞