Intania Harismayanti is an English teacher and a student of English Language Education in Postgraduate Program at Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. She is an enthusiast in education, literature, TEFL, TEYL, ESP, and educational technology. She has been involved as an English instructor for the English Training Program conducted by Research and Community Service in Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Undiksha to develop tourism awareness in Coastal Village Area in Buleleng Regency. She was awarded as the outstanding teacher for teaching English to Young Learners at Lab School Undiksha in December 2017. Besides teaching, she is also passionate for literature as she was awarded as the best director of drama project "Waiting for Godot" in faculty of Languages and Arts of Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. Her passion for English language teaching leads her to develop gamification book to free the learners on their journey to explore and discover their full potential in the 21st-century learning.
I Nyoman Adi Jaya Putra is a professor in English Language Education at Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha with a magister degree in La Trobe University, Australia. He has conducted various trainings, workshops, and seminars for Indonesian teachers and headmasters. His works has been widely published in local and international journals. His main research interests are Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Psycholinguistics, Cross-Cultural Understanding, Multilingual and Multicultural Languages, Educational Technology, English Language Teaching, and Learning Approaches. He served as the Vice Dean on Academic Affairs of Faculty of Languages and Arts of Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha.
Made Hery Santosa is a senior lecturer and researcher at Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. His works has been published in several publications including Nova Science Publishers, Journal on English as a Foreign Language, Information Technology Application Journal, and many others. He has been extensively speaking in various TESOL Forums like TESOL Convention, Asia TEFL, Cam-TESOL, TEFLIN, and workshops for Indonesian teachers and headmasters. His main research interests are Education, TESOL, Teacher-Student Learning, Educational Technology, Learner Autonomy, CALL, Gamification, Digital Pedagogies in EFL, AI-Injected Learning, Translanguaging, and Learning Approaches. He currently serves as Head of Online Learning Centre, Faculty of Languages and Arts of Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, the Director of Program at the Indonesia Technology Enhanced Language Learning (iTELL) Association, the Core Skills Leading Trainer at British Council, and the Director of Community Service in the Indonesia Extensive Reading Association (IERA). He is also a founder and chair of Manik Cendikia Foundation, Founder of Bali Scholarship Community, Bali Edukasi, and the Co-Founder of Edukezy Android App (students and teachers App) and Susila Lan Dharma VR App.