Gabriele Boccaccini is professor of Second Temple Judaism and Christian origins at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, and the founder of the Enoch Seminar. He received his PhD in Judaic studies from the University of Turin in 1991. He is the author of Middle Judaism (1991), Beyond the Essene Hypothesis (1998), Roots of Rabbinic Judaism (2001), and the editor of numerous volumes including The Origins of Enochic Judaism (2002) and Enoch and Qumran Origins (2005), as well as the international journal Henoch.
Carlos A. Segovia is lecturer in Islamic studies at Saint Louis University and associate professor in religious studies at Camilo José Cela University in Madrid. He has written Re-Imagining Islam in the Late Seventh Century and The Quránic Noah and the Making of the Islamic Prophet (both forthcoming) and helped launch the Early Islamic Studies Seminar.