Dr. Gabriel Stux, MD
Acupuncture since 1977 in China, Sri Lanka, India
Founder and Chairman of the German Acupuncture Society, Düsseldorf, 1978,
Lectures on Acupuncture all over the world for more than 20 years
Introduction of a new energy medicine, called Chakren Acupuncture in 1988
Dr. Brian Berman, MD, Professor
Founder and Director of the University of Maryland Complementary Medicine Program (CMP), 1991
Professor of Familiy Medicine, trained in acupuncture, homeopathiy and other CAM-approaches
Principal Investigator of a NIH center grant for compementary medicine research
International Seirin award for his contributions to the scientific understanding of acupuncture
Chair of the steering committee of the Consortium of Academical Medical Centers whose mission is to promote integrative medicine
Co-Chair of the editorial board of the report to the NIH: Alternative Medicine: Expanding Medical Horizons
Coordinator of the Complementary Medicine Field of the international Cochrane Collaboration
Dr. Bruce Pomeranz, MD, PhD
MD and CM at McGill University 1961, PhD at Harvard 1967
University of Toronto, Professor of Zoology and Physiology
Assistant Professor at M.I.T 1966-1968