Inside Evil is an epic fantasy and science fiction series that includes elements of mystery, horror and suspense. Set in a small British town, the events that unfold see the cast battling paranormal activity, possible magic, parallel worlds and a variety of fantasy creatures. The first book is free, so grab your freebie now!
Themes; fantasy, magic, parallel worlds, fantasy creatures, parallel world, murder, murder mystery, mystery, Britain, Scotland, London, paranormal, urban fantasy, contemporary fantasy
The world is sometimes a battle to deal with, so I escape into books. Try out Inside Evil; the fantasy series with fantastical creatures, parallel worlds and doppelgangers. If you're looking for a zombie story, then try Pacifier 6; a world where mutants have been pacified into a docile slave force through medicine. Or, if you love a little science fiction and dystopian, pick up CRYO and follow John's journey as he enters cryonic sleep and awaits his future.