Impacts of Quorum Sensing on Microbial Metabolism and Human Health, by Yang-Chun Yong, Jian-Jiang Zhong
CHO Glycosylation Mutants as Potential Host Cells to Produce Therapeutic Proteins with Enhanced Efficacy, by Peiqing Zhang, Kah Fai Chan, Ryan Haryadi, Muriel Bardor, Zhiwei Song Cell-Free
Biosystems for Biomanufacturing, by Chun You, Y.-H. Percival Zhang
Lipid Bilayer Membrane Arrays: Fabrication and Applications, by Xiaojun Han, Guodong Qi, Xingtao Xu, Lei Wang
RNA Aptamers: A Review of Recent Trends and Applications, by Kyung-Nam Kang, Yoon-Sik Lee