1-Sovereignty-Traces sovereignty's origins and significance in political theory.
2-Head of State-Examines the head of state's role within sovereign systems.
3-Monarchy-Analyzes the evolution and relevance of monarchy as a form of sovereignty.
4-State (Polity)-Discusses the state's nature and its relationship with sovereignty.
5-Self-Determination-Explores self-determination's impact on sovereignty.
6-Social Contract-Investigates the social contract theory and its influence on sovereignty.
7-Independence-Focuses on the challenges and significance of state independence.
8-Authority-Analyzes the sources and manifestations of authority within sovereignty.
9-Constitution of Croatia-Case study on Croatia's constitution and sovereignty.
10-Popular Sovereignty-Examines the development of popular sovereignty in democracies.
11-Military Occupation-Discusses military occupation's impact on sovereignty.
12-Territorial Evolution of the British Empire-Chronicles the British Empire's territorial changes and their effects on sovereignty.
13-The Social Contract-Delves into Rousseau's work and its influence on sovereignty.
14-People-Explores the people's role, rights, and power in a sovereign state.
15-Constitution of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic-Analyzes sovereignty under contested conditions.
16-Westphalian System-Reviews the Westphalian system's impact on state sovereignty.
17-Legal Status of Germany-Investigates Germany's post-WWII legal status and its sovereignty.
18-Absolutism (European History)-Examines European absolutism's influence on sovereignty.
19-Preamble to the Constitution of India-Highlights sovereignty in India's constitutional preamble.
20-Popular Sovereignty in the United States-Explores popular sovereignty in the U.S.
21-Sovereign State-Concludes with a discussion on the sovereign state's future.
Unlock a deeper understanding of sovereignty with this expertly crafted book, ensuring you gain more value than your investment.