1: Rally 'round the flag effect: Explore how national crises increase a leader's popularity and unify citizens.
2: 1968 United States presidential election: Examine the role of crises in shaping voter behavior during this turbulent election.
3: Bandwagon effect: Understand how public opinion shifts as individuals follow the perceived majority.
4: Public opinion in the United States on the invasion of Iraq: See how the Iraq invasion temporarily boosted presidential approval ratings.
5: Opinion poll: Learn how polls measure shifts in public sentiment during crises.
6: Ernesto Zedillo: A case study of Zedillo's presidency and how crises affected public support.
7: Read my lips: no new taxes: Analyze how George H. W. Bush's famous pledge and its failure impacted his presidency.
8: 2004 United States presidential election: Investigate how national security issues shaped voter perceptions in this election.
9: Historical rankings of presidents of the United States: Explore the long-term impact of crises on presidential legacies.
10: United States presidential approval rating: Examine how approval ratings fluctuate during crises.
11: George W. Bush: Analyze the effect of national crises on George W. Bush’s presidency and decisions.
12: Draft Eisenhower movement: Understand how national sentiment influenced the Draft Eisenhower movement.
13: Rasmussen Reports: Discover how Rasmussen Reports captured the Rally Round The Flag Effect in real-time.
14: Public image of George W. Bush: Explore how crises shaped George W. Bush’s evolving public image.
15: Presidency of George H. W. Bush: Analyze how crises affected George H. W. Bush’s approval ratings and decisions.
16: 1980 Democratic Party presidential primaries: Review the role of crises in shaping voter behavior during the 1980 primaries.
17: Diversionary foreign policy: Learn how leaders use foreign policy crises to boost domestic support.
18: Polling for United States presidential elections: See how polling data reflects the effect of national crises on elections.
19: Ronald Reagan 1984 presidential campaign: Examine how crises contributed to Reagan’s landslide victory.
20: George H. W. Bush 1992 presidential campaign: Review the impact of national crises on Bush’s re-election campaign.
21: Opinion polling on the Ronald Reagan administration: Explore how polling during Reagan’s presidency reflects the Rally Round The Flag Effect.
Gain critical insights into how crises reshape political landscapes and public opinion in this indispensable resource for Political Science.