Chapters Overview:
1. Participatory Democracy: Foundations of citizen involvement in democracy.
2. Democracy: Broader understanding of democracy and its evolution.
3. Direct Democracy: Mechanisms complementing traditional systems.
4. Deliberative Democracy: Role of structured discussions in decision-making.
5. Participatory Budgeting: Public involvement in local governance.
6. Public Participation: Strategies for engaging citizens beyond voting.
7. Sortition: Selecting officials by lottery as an electoral alternative.
8. Citizens' Assembly: Citizen involvement in shaping policy.
9. Online Deliberation: Digital platforms enhancing public engagement.
10. Deliberative Referendum: Combining deliberation with referendums.
11. Landsgemeinde: Swiss model of direct citizen engagement.
12. Deliberative Opinion Poll: Capturing informed public opinion.
13. Radical Democracy: Challenges to conventional democratic practices.
14. Types of Democracy: Comparative analysis of democratic systems.
15. E2D International: Global efforts in promoting participatory democracy.
16. Outline of Democracy: Summary of democratic principles.
17. Cristina Lafont: Contributions to democratic theory.
18. Hélène Landemore: Insights on participation and diversity.
19. Oral Democracy: Traditional forms of direct public participation.
20. Global Assembly: Fostering international participatory democracy.
21. Citizens’ Initiative Review: Improving citizen-driven initiatives.
This book is a valuable resource for understanding how participatory mechanisms can drive more effective and inclusive governance.