Pekka Lintunen is a Senior Lecturer in English, University of Turku, Finland and an Adjunct Professor in Applied Linguistics, University of Jyvรคskylรค, Finland. His main research field is L2 spoken language and pronunciation. Recently he has focused on the fluency and complexity of learner language, learner perceptions and beliefs, and informal language learning.
Maarit Mutta is a Senior Lecturer in French, University of Turku, Finland and an Adjunct Professor in Foreign Language Learning, University of Jyvรคskylรค, Finland. Her research has mainly focused on online processes of writing, role of vocabulary in writing, writing fluency and writer profiles. Recently she has also studied informal language learning.
Pauliina Peltonen is a Doctoral Student in the Department of English, University of Turku, Finland. In her doctoral dissertation, she examines the interplay between fluency and problem-solving mechanisms. She has also collaborated on papers focusing on intonation and fluency and pronunciation feedback.