Donte is a veteran and a colonist on a struggling new world under a hot young flare star. For most of the colonists, the struggle is in coaxing crops out of the alien soil and avoiding the radiation of the flares. But for Donte, he must also deal with the lingering trauma of war -- and a body that feels skinned alive without the armor he once wore in the army.
Science Fiction, Sci fi, scifi, Speculative Fiction, fiction, PTSD, phantom limb syndrome, wounded, wounded veteran, veteran, alienation, black, African-American, hijab, burka, burqa, gender, Islam, Islamic, social division, narcotics, painkillers, prescription drugs, addiction, drug addiction, prescription drug addiction, suicide, suicidal ideation, hopelessness, hallucination, dream, nightmare, drug induced, psychosis, space colony, interstellar colony, space travel, FTL, FTL travel.
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