ROAR GUDDING has been working with vaccination in veterinary medicine, including vaccination of fish, at the Norwegian Veterinary Institute for more than 25 years. He has also been Professor of Immunoprophylaxis at the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science, and is the author of textbooks about vaccination of terrestrial and aquatic animals.
ATLE LILLEHAUG has a PhD in fish vaccinology from 1993, based on field studies and clinical trials. He has been involved in the practical implementation of vaccination in Norwegian fish farming, and is now working with fish health in a broad sense. He has been the head of the Section for Fish Health at the Norwegian Veterinary Institute for several years.
├ШYSTEIN EVENSEN is Professor at the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science. He has been working in the field of fish vaccination over the last 20 years. He also has more than seven years of experience from the pharmaceutical industry where he worked on the development of vaccines for fish farming globally.