Faust’s story is a guide, capable of giving substance to our most hidden shadows, living with the presence of good and evil, re-establishing a relationship with nature and trying to recover that feminine energy that is present in each of us, often repressed. It could become a lifesaver for learning to juggle in a world that burns everything and everyone on the altar of profit. It is a tale that represents the effort to go beyond rationality and the accumulation of knowledge, a journey to escape the boredom of a life lived through the eyes of others.
Perhaps at the end of this journey we will be able to smile at what K. Kraus writes: ‘The devil is an optimist if he thinks he can make men worse’. After all, by now, dear Mephistopheles, I know what you look like, and you are an optimist if you think I will sign a pact with you. Or maybe not?