Facial musculature is supplied by the facial nerve. Disorders affecting facial nerve would cause facial
paralysis causing asymmetry of the face due to paralysis of muscles of the face.
This manuscript discusses clinical anatomy of facial nerve, pathologies affecting this nerve, its clinical
manifestations and various management modalities available in managing these conditions. This book
has been authored from the perspective of otolaryngologist. Otolaryngologists commonly encounter
facial nerve lesions since this nerve courses through the temporal bone. The intratympanic portion of
facial nerve comes under the domain of otolaryngologist.
Lesions of facial nerve in this book has been arranged under two headings:
1. Non neoplastic disorders of the facial nerve
2. Neoplastic disorders of the facial
It should be pointed out facial nerve has excellent regenerative capacity and it is never late to attempt
decompression / trying out various anastomotic techniques in managing patients with facial nerve
paralysis. Rehabilitation process in facial nerve paralysis should focus on managing and protecting the
eyes of the patient. In facial paralysis patients are unable to close their eyelids due to paralysis of the
muscles. Various rehabilitation procedures have been developed to manage these patients. Imaging of
facial nerve has undergone tremendous advancement in recent times. A chapter on imaging of facial
nerve has also been added to this manuscript to make it complete.
Prof Dr Balasubramanian Thiagarajan (drtbalu)
Former Registrar
The Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University
Former Professor & Head
Department of Otolaryngology
Stanley Medical College