This is a Choose-Your-Own-Distraction book
Sudo Bang Bang - Deluxe Anthology Edition
includes four choice Fabrina Glitchlace novellas:
- Shitlord In the Anus of Madness ©2017
- The Zero Day Proposal ©2018
- Jank ©2019
- Footprints in the Worm Garden ©2020
The Deluxe Edition of Fabrina Glitchlace's Sudo Bang Bang is Anthology-Level Meta-Fiction. Depending on their attention span, the reader can choose to distract themselves with a detour in a separate story that will recontextualize elements of the main narrative. In those moments the main story of Sudo Bang Bang functions as a framing for an anthology.
Fabrina Glitchlace is an ADHD-afflicted information junkie who creates stimulating science fiction stories exploring the intersection of technology and humanity.
"Fabrina's vivid imagination generates compelling characters, intricate world-building, that takes audiences on expeditions to the outer limits of the inner mind." —Daniqua Lee Massey, Level4 A.P.
"FabGlitch tackles complex themes with intelligence, heart, and humor, exploring infinite possibilities in the universe of experience… human or otherwise." —Michael MacGyver, The Ωmega-Phi Podcast
Weird Freaks & Strange Geeks are Fabrina's Peeps!