The work proceeds from the assumption that it is possible to describe these connections between environment, territory and landscape by applying the Vitruvian triad, composed of Firmitas (solidity), Utilitas (utility) and Venustas(beauty). The environment, the sum of the conditions that influence all life, represents the place’s solidity, because it guarantees its survival. In turn, territory is connected to utility, and through its etymological meaning is linked to possession, to a domain; while landscape, as an “area perceived by people”, expresses the search for beauty in a given place, the process of critically interpreting a vision.
Marco Filippucci (1979), research fellow and adjunct professor at University of Perugia. Graduated in Civil Engineering at the University of Perugia and Phd in Representation and Survey of Architecture and Environment at the "Sapienza" University of Rome, he was awarded by UID Italian Union of Drawing. He is teaching in the degree courses of Civil Engineering and Architecture at University of Perugia. He is author international articles and the coordinator of the International Laboratory of Landscape Research (CIRIAF-SSTAM) at University of Perugia. He is working in national and international projects and he carries out his research activities within the fields of representation, in the relationship between perception and project and in advanced digital modeling.