कामायनीच्या आयुष्यात येणारे पुरुष तिच्या आयुष्याची दिशा ठरवतात. आणि आयुष्याच्या एका टप्प्यावर तिच्यामध्ये हरल्याची भावना खोल रूजली जाते यावेळी एका अलौकिक गोष्टीतून तिला संजीवनी मिळते. ते नक्की काय असतं?Environment, varied; one within, one that of relations and yet another including the all-pervading nature. Each has different questions and naturally differing answers. They are inter-woven, that is also unavoidable. A few questions and their answers are buried deep down, some are frozen. Some are left to dry in the scorching heat over the uncultivated plains. Some just melted like the ice cubes. A few tried to breathe through the roots emerging out of the swamps and marshy lands. So different, yet they are always together, forever.
In search of their own marshy lands while bearing the curse of being transient forever.
काल्पनिक कहानियां और साहित्य