Elaine A. Moore studied chemistry as an undergraduate
at Oxford University, England, and then stayed on to complete
a DPhil in theoretical chemistry with Peter Atkins.
After a two-year postdoctoral position at the University of
Southampton, England, she joined the Open University, UK
(OU), in 1975, becoming a lecturer in chemistry in 1977,
senior lecturer in 1998 and reader in 2004. She retired in
2017 and currently has an honorary position at the Open
She has produced OU teaching texts in chemistry for
courses at levels 1, 2 and 3 and written texts in astronomy
at level 2 and physics at level 3. She is a co-author of Metals
and Life and of Concepts in Transition Metal Chemistry,
which were part of a level 3 Open University course in
inorganic chemistry, and were co-published with the Royal
Society of Chemistry. She was team leader for the production
and presentation of an Open University level 2 chemistry
module delivered entirely online. She is a Fellow of
the Royal Society of Chemistry and a Senior Fellow of the
Higher Education Academy. She was a co-chair for the successful
departmental submission of an Athena Swan bronze
Her research interests are in theoretical chemistry applied
mainly to solid-state systems, and she is the author or
co-author of more than 50 papers in refereed scientific journals.
A long-standing collaboration in this area led to her
being invited to help run a series of postgraduate workshops
on computational Materials Science hosted by the University of
Khartoum, Sudan.