Each chapter of this book relays the research of experts in the field who conducted research in diverse landscapes of India, providing a detailed account of the basic and applied approaches of ethnobotany and ethnopharmacology. The book reviews multiple processes pertaining to medicinal plants, such as collecting the traditional therapeutic values and validation methods. It also explores developments in the field such as the diversity and medicinal potential of unexplored plant species and applications in drug formulation to fight against anti-microbial resistance (AMR).
Jayanta Kumar Patra, PhD, PDF, is currently working as Assistant Professor at the Research Institute of Biotechnology and Medical Converged Science, Dongguk University, Ilsandong, Gyeonggido, Republic of Korea.
Gitishree Das, PhD, PDF, is currently working as Assistant Professor at the Research Institute of Biotechnology and Medical Converged Science, Dongguk University, Ilsandong, Gyeonggido, Republic of Korea.
Sanjeet Kumar, PhD, DELF, is currently working as President at the Ambika Prasad Research Foundation, Bhubaneswar, India, and as Zonal Head of the Sustainable Biodiversity Committee, Odisha Wildlife Hub, Odisha, India.
Hrudayanath Thatoi, PhD, is currently working as Professor and Head, Department of Biotechnology at North Orissa University, Odisha, India.