Erwin Raphael McManus es un iconoclasta y pionero cultural conocido por su integración de la creatividad y la espiritualidad. Es artista, empresario, líder del pensamiento cultural, y fundador de MOSAIC, una comunidad de fe en Los Angeles, California. Conocida por su innovación, creatividad y habilidad artística, MOSAIC ha sido designada una de las iglesias más influyentes e innovadoras de América. Erwin posee un bachillerato en psicología de University of North Carolina en Chapel Hill, una maestría en Divinidad de Southwestern Theological Seminary, y un doctorado en Letras y Humanidades de Southeastern University. Es autor de muchos otros libros como La Última Flecha,El Alma Artesana, y su éxito de ventas, Tribu. Sus libros han vendido más de un millón de copias en el mundo entero. Erwin reside en Hollywood, California, junto a su esposa Kim. Tienen dos hijos: Aaron y Mariah.
Erwin Raphael McManus: Iconoclast and cultural pioneer known for his integration of creativity and spirituality. He is an artist, entrepreneur, leader of cultural thought, and founder of MOSAIC, a faith community in Los Angeles, California. Known for its innovation, creativity and artistic ability, MOSAIC has been designated one of the most influential and innovative churches in America. Erwin holds a bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, a master's degree in Divinity from Southwestern Theological Seminary, and a doctorate in Arts and Humanities from Southeastern University. He is the author of many other books such as The Last Arrow, The Artisan Soul, Way of the Warrior and his best seller, The Barbarian Way. His books have sold more than a million copies worldwide. Erwin lives in Hollywood, California, with his wife Kim. They have two children: Aaron and Mariah.