The Sustainability of Economic Growth by Cabo, Martín-Herrán & Martínez-García; Abatement Scenarios in the Swiss Housing Sector by L. Drouet et al; Support and Planning for Off-Site Emergency Management, by Geldermann et al; Hybrid Energy-Economy Models, by Jaccard; The World-MARKAL Model and Its Application, by Kanudia et al; Methodology for Evaluating a Market of Tradable CO2-Permits, by Kunsch and Springael; MERGE – A Model for Global Climate Change, by Manne and Richels; A Linear Programming Model for Capacity Expansion in an Autonomous Power Generation System, by Mavrotas and Diakoulaki; Transport and Climate Policy Modeling in the Transport Sector, by Paltsev et al; Analysis of Ontario Electricity Capacity Requirements and Emissions, by Pineau and Schott; Environmental Damage in Energy / Environmental Policy Evaluation, by Van Regemorter.