Jean Smith
A conversation with my review buddy inspired me to do something just a bit different this time. You see Lord and Master had elements to it that just defied communicating. It’s that awesome. If you’ve read the blurb you know that the three characters from Beck and Call: Mia, Jake and Damien are once more the focus. This time they are beta testing a LARP (live action role-play) at Diogenes, an exclusive erotic club half owned by Mia. If you’ve ever been to a renaissance fair or the like you might have an idea of just how challenging it can be to stay in character and just how exciting. Still this didn’t totally explain my reaction to Lord and Master. I’m hoping our conversation will give you just that bit of enlightenment that is hard to convey. Jean: I'm still reading Lord and Master. I have about 50 pages left to go. I'm trying to think about what the element is that makes this story so freaking good. It's not the sex or the historical aspect as much as how in scene they stay. Deb: I had trouble with figuring it out to review it as well. Jean: Even her journal is right on for being in character. It’s that whole aspect of role playing you always wished you were that good at. Deb: Yes, they stay in scene. The journal confused me at the beginning. I thought it was her outline for the role-play since she'd just told the guys what her plan was and showed them her idea. Jean: And, beneath the role playing is a spark of truth to each of them and their hang-ups and foibles. Deb: Yeah, I got that a bit into it when I realized the journal is really her journaling the role-play. Jean: Hell, you are half way through the book before they break role-play and you see a glimpse of their modern selves. I think the other interesting thing about her journal is she is presenting it in role-play as well rather than her reaction to the role-play. It adds this other depth to the whole thing Deb: If you remember when Jake is telling Damien that it's not going to be hard to do this, he said: “You just be yourself but in another role.” Jean: Yep. Deb: I was trying to work that into the review to explain how each of them really was bringing themselves into the role-play more so than Mia realized. Jean: Yes, exactly. Deb: And, I'm sure you're noticing now that Mia intended to make this about Jake and Damien getting closer and D becoming more comfortable with J. was HER issues that ended up being addressed. Jean: Yes I did notice but I'll find it interesting to discover what those issues are, other than her insecurity in Damien’s love. Deb: All of her fears really came out in how she reacted to what was going down. Oh, it's great how the guys deal with it. I just could not for the life of me get that into the review. But I don't think I wanted to do it anyway. You have to get it for yourself and that's the real fun of this book. Jean: I suppose her total reaction to being considered a strumpet or loose or what have you being involved with two men plays into it. Deb: A bit. The entire premise of the book was fantastic. Jean: Yeah, you would need to read and get it yourself to really enjoy the book as immensely. Deb: That's why I focused on Mia in my review, because she's really the one who pushed for this, thought it was needed, and it's told from her POV. But, at the end I said something like, “And Mia isn't the only one with an agenda.” Jean: Yeah they all have their own agendas. Deb: And holy ****, the sex was hot! Jean: LOL, she is a master at it isn't she? Deb: No kidding. And, they weren't even doing anything too off the wall. Jean: It’s not necessarily the acts themselves but the way she conveys it. gmta Deb Exactly. She had my heart pounding. I think a lot of it was the m/m factor. That just does it for me. So of course, our conversation devolved at that point and went off on other tangents. But the one thing the both of us agreed on…it was an awesome read. I was gifted this book in exchange for an honest review.