Suzie Alexander
The story started out rather slowly but a few plot twists kept it interesting. Learned a thing or two about telegraphy, which was also interesting. At first the love found in this story seemed unique yet it is oddly commonplace if we think about how easily we can have "crossed wires". Would recommend if you're looking for a romantic genre!
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Pamela Warnick
Wired Love is an easy read. Despite its wire being the telegraph wire, this book is very relevant to today's penchant for online relationships and romances. Sight unseen, as with Nattie and Clem on the telegraph, modern day people enter into all kinds of relationships without setting eyes on each other. Unlike Nattie and Clem, however, these same people blindly choose to meet and stay with people they don't know before they become acquainted at all; at least Nattie and Clem met and got to know each other before their relationship progressed.
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patti mancuso
I read a few pages and I knew I wouldn't like it I don't know why everyone was bragging so much about it to me those few pages sucked I couldnt get myself interest into it . nothing to brag about why can't we get some real books w/o begin charged 9.99 a month that really sucks how sad is that
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