For example, smallness is often related with increased flexibility and shorter reaction times, while latecomers can benefit from earlier experiences of their more advanced neighbors. Path-dependency highlights the fact that the innovation system development processes are considerably influenced by the past experience of a particular country or region.
By incorporating these features into an integrated analysis, the authors address such questions as:
· What special features characterize the innovation system development in small catching-up economies?
· What are the causes for innovation success or failure?
· How do organizational capabilities and internationalization tendencies relate to company level innovations?
· What is the role of human capital and social factors in the innovation process?
· How can various policies support innovation in an integrated manner?
Drawing from research about Europe, Asia, and Latin America, the authors provide readers with a systemic view of the innovation system development in small catching-up economies. They discuss the unique features of this development and contribute to an in-depth understanding of various determinants and their impacts on the innovation process. The policy implications will offer a set of normative guidelines for enhancing innovation system development.