THOMAS BINDER Centre for Design Research, Denmark ERLING BJÖRGVINSSON School of Arts and Communications, Malmö University, Sweden PER-ERIK ELLSTRÖM Professor, Linköping University, and Director of Centre for Studies of Humans, Technology and Organization, Sweden CLAUS ELMHOLDT Lecturer, University of Aarhus, Denmark PER-ANDERS HILLGREN School of Arts and Communications, Malmö University, Sweden AJNNIKI JÄRVINEN Professor, University of Tampere, Finland HANNE DAUER KELLER Lecturer, University of Aarhus, Denmark STEINAR KVALE Lecturer, University of Aarhus, Denmark ERIK LAURSEN Professor of Sociology, University of Aalborg, Denmark REIJO MIETTINEN Associate Professor, Department of Education, University of Helsinki, Finland KLAUS NIELSEN Associate Professor, University of Aarhus, Denmark ESA POIKELA Professor, University of Tampere, Finland HANNE RANDLE Researcher, Centre for Research and Development in Workplace Learning, Lindesberg, Sweden MARIT RISMARK Research Scientist, NTNU Adult Learning Research, Trondheim, Norway JORUN M. STENØIEN Researcher, VOX, Department of Research, Trondheim, Norway LENNART SVENSSON Professor, Linköping University, and Director of Research, Centre for Research and Development in Workplace Learning, Lindesberg, Sweden PER-OLOF THÅNG Professor, Göteborg University, Sweden JAAKKO VIRKKUNEN Professor, University of Helsinki, Finland BJARNE WAHLGREN Professor of Sociology and Research Director, Danish University of Education, Denmark GUN-BRITT WÄRVIK Lecturer, Göteborg University, Sweden