Press, Gordon & Breach Science Publishers, Inc. , and lOP Publishing Ltd. The author's original work in this book was supported by the National Science Foundation and the Office of Naval Research. Buffalo, NY A. Isihara July 1992 Preface The study of electronic properties reveals a common basis for a variety of systems, including gaseous plasmas, ionic solutions, metals, and semiconduc tors. This study started with one-electron properties in free space, as discussed in solid-state books. However, significant progress has been made recently in more realistic and complicated cases with interactions, confinements, im purities, and fields. Moreover, the recent discoveries of the quantum Hall ef fect, high-Tc superconductors, and localization phenomena, along with the in troduction of low-dimensional materials have opened new areas and have led to a tremendous number of articles in existing journals and even new specialized journals. This book has been written to provide a new, comprehen sive review on electronic properties in such diverse areas and materials. The title indicates emphasis on electron correlations. Chapter 1 starts with an introductory description of electron systems, including classification, characterization, and models. It provides the reader with a general account of the amazingly diverse electron systems. It is followed by discussions on strong ly coupled gaseous plasmas, electron-hole liquids, magnetic response, low dimensional systems, heavy Fermions, high-Tc superconductivity, localization, and the quantum Hall effect.