Harry Brighouse is Professor of Philosophy and Affiliate Professor of Educational Policy Studies at University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA.
Kenneth Howe is Professor in the Educational Foundations, Policy, and Practice Program Area, and Director of the Education and the Public Interest Center, University of Colorado, USA.
James Tooley is Professor of Education Policy at Newcastle University, UK, and founder and director of the E.G. West Centre, which explores the role of markets in education. He is the author of The Beautiful Tree, a bestseller in India and winner of the 2010 Sir Antony Fisher Memorial Prize, based on his ground-breaking research on private education for the poor in India, China and Africa.
Graham Haydon is Senior Lecturer and MA Course Leader in Philosophy of Education at IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society, University College London, UK.
Christopher Winch is Professor of Educational Philosophy and Policy at King's College London, UK.