The first international conference on Probability in Banach Spaces was held at Oberwolfach, West Germany, in 1975. It brought together European researchers who, under the inspiration of the Schwartz Seminar in Paris, were using probabi listic methods in the study of the geometry of Banach spaces, a rather small number of probabilists who were already studying classical limit laws on Banach spaces, and a larger number of probabilists, specialists in various aspects of the study of Gaussian processes, whose results and techniques were of interest to the members of the first two groups. This first conference was very fruitful. It fos tered a continuing relationship among 50 to 75 probabilists and analysts working on probability on infinite-dimensional spaces, the geometry of Banach spaces, and the use of random methods in harmonic analysis. Six more international conferences were held since the 1975 meeting. Two of the meetings were held at Tufts University, one at S¢nderborg, Denmark, and the others at Oberwolfach. This volume contains a selection of papers by the partici pants of the Seventh International Conference held at Oberwolfach, West Ger many, June 26-July 2, 1988. This exciting and provocative conference was at tended by more than 50 mathematicians from many countries. These papers demonstrate the range of interests of the conference participants. In addition to the ongoing study of classical and modern limit theorems in Banach spaces, a branching out has occurred among the members of this group.