The story begins with a record of Wise's military history, his training as an infantryman in Leesville, Louisiana and his arrival in Vietnam on May 2, 1969. Chapter two details his first experience under enemy fire on May 11, when suicide squads penetrated their perimeter with the purpose of inflicting the maximum amount of damage with disregard to even the attackers' own lives. Chapters five and six recount the August 1969 battle of LZ Becky, a landing zone that was constructed just south of the Cambodian border and was destroyed only four weeks later. Chapter seven relates Wise's experiences after receiving a job as a waiter in the Commander General's mess hall. On April 9, 1970, his service ended and he headed home. The book contains diagrams of several battles and the author's personal photographs taken while he was in the jungle and in the rear echelon area of Phuoc Vinh.