Dynasty Hill is a well-renowned author taking real issues to pen and paper with her second book Does the Relationship Matter? Her first publication, Destiny Embrace Me Lord, Let Future Uphold Me, has made five-star ratings on Amazon. This book can be found in Barnes and Noble and Amazon. She is a traveling the world now, giving motivational speeches as well as health and wellness inspirations as she spreads her twenty-one nursing career across the spectrum. Dynasty Hill is an Activist of change, blogger, an Author and she is known for her vision of empowering women of all ethnic backgrounds to work on wholistic well-being. Laying new ground and placing new crowns on God’s queens is her victorious win as she writes books and poetry. She can be found speaking to women in prison and to women in local community, and find living with purpose and own purpose mentoring youth and young adults. Dynasty Hill is known as Crystals & Pearls Inspiring Life Coach and is a physical fitness mentor, motivator of change and empowers the women emotionally, physically, spiritually and believes in financial accountability. Her first book has traveled in the coast to coast book festival 2017. Tucson, Arizona, to Los Angeles, California and several media outlets have tapped into her gifts. She has been on radio talk TV 107.7 with other poets and authors, and she continues to pioneer change as she keeps real issues as the heart of the matter. Dynasty Hill is a visionary leader and in the near future has plans to travel across the globe as a Empowerment Specialist, Inspirationalist and game changer. She will be participant in Mega Fest 2017 Poetry Fest and her next piece in making is called. Living Poetry with Dynasty Hill.