Table of Contents
The Psychological Power of Food
The Concept of Comfort Foods
Meat In Your Diet
So-Called Weight Loss Miracle Drugs
Proper Detox Diets
Author Bio
Is this how you spend your day, obsessing about your weight?
Are you one of those unfortunate people who have been put on a diet right now, for fashionable reasons or for medical reasons? Well, this book is for you, because it is going to tell you some eye-opening home truths about dieting, and how you are doing everlasting harm to your body through dieting.
Dieting has become such a fad and part of our lives, that we find ourselves obsessing over weight loss and weight gain, instead of enjoying healthy natural food. There is such a long list of things, which are told by dietitians, which are taboo in our lexicon, that we find ourselves eating salads like rabbits every day.
And this is why, I am going to tell you all about how the billion-dollar industry of dieting and weight reducing pills is building up an atmosphere of emotional and physical psychology which demands that a person be slim, trim, and thin, in order to consider herself or himself physically attractive, desirable, and even healthy. The last is definitely not so. That is because weight gain, in the form of obesity is one of the harmful side effects of the 21st century lifestyle, which does not advocate physical exercise, but instead prefers a sedentary mode of life.