Table of Contents
When Not to Drink Water
When Do You Drink Water
When Do You Drink Lots of Water
How Do You Drink Water?
How Much Water Do You Drink?
How to Keep Healthy
Keeping Your Eyes Healthy
Hot Water Fomentation
Healthy Bath
Hip Baths
Steam Baths
Steam Baths for Weight Loss
Breakfast for Weight Loss
Steam Boxes
Hot Water Cures
Hot Foot Baths
Author Bio
Two thirds of a human being’s body is made up of water. Our body utilizes about 2600 g of water every day. The kidneys utilize 1500 g, the skin 650 g, the lungs 320 g, and 130 g of water is eliminated from the system every day. All this has to be restored through our food and the water we drink.
Naturally, that is the reason why the ancients always told us that the easiest way to keep healthy was to drink 2 ½ L of liquid every day. Not many of us do that because we think drinking water in such huge quantities would make us waterlogged!
So for all those people, who just cannot bear anywhere between 8 to 10 glasses of water every day, this book is going to tell them all about the beneficial uses of water. It is also going to tell them how they can take full advantage of the easiest element of nature available to them, and in such abundance to heal, to keep healthy, and to remain hydrated.
Do not do gulp down a glass full of water, the moment you grab it. Sip it down slowly – slowly, as if you have all the time in the world. This is so that if you are drinking cold or hot water, it takes a bit of while for the temperature to be regulated, to body temperature. By the time it reaches the stomach.
When I was young, I lived in a state, where the ladies of the house always boiled cumin seeds in the water, first thing in the morning, to make sure that there was absolutely no possibility of stomach afflictions and ailments troubling any member of the family which had to drink that water throughout the day.
In other parts of the country, people put basil leaves in water, and boiled that mixture to drink throughout the day, so that they did not suffer from any infections.