Introduction to:
By Dr. Douglas M. Baker
This very important work is based on an analysis of the horoscope, placing emphasis on the Rising Sign as it expresses the Soul’s Purpose and its nuances. Thus, the universal approach is yet maintained but brought to bear on the specific or existential features of the individual’s horoscope. Via 16 detailed analyses in this volume, the earnest student or professional astrologer is given in-depth information regarding Karma, previous lives, chakras, myth, objects for meditation, the Ray of the Soul and of course, the Soul’s purpose for the personality. (Vol. 8 treats cases 17 – 33.)
The introductory section explains:
Symbols and Methods used
Planetary Rulers
Chart Interpretation
Permutations in Basic Symbols
Compound Complexes
The Rising Sign
House Cusps
Sun — Earth Opposition
Astrological Parsing
Literal Parsing
Use of Angular Aspects
Planet — Sign — House Influences
Intercepted Signs
Retrograde Planets
Karmic Indications in the Horoscope
Whilst esoteric astrology is primarily concerned with the hegemony of the soul as it progressively asserts itself in the life of the individual, it is also capable of providing the personality with direction and useful advice. When we are dealing with Man on the Path, a far, far more accurate an interpretation of his situation, its potentials and limitations for expression is given here by using the esoteric rulers of the Signs of the Zodiac as demonstrated in esoteric astrology.
The development of the computer has made the horoscope available to the millions, and it is but a matter of time before the same computers begin to sieve out the “real from the unreal.” In the end, however, the real is only discovered within, and the fullest exposition of esoteric astrology gives the keys to such discoveries within and their correlation to wide and more universal principles. To ignore the individual horoscope is to leave astrology, esoteric or exoteric, with feet of clay. What this writing represents is a wiser and more psychosynthetic interpretation of the horoscope.
Thus, providing the interpreter views the horoscope from a point of higher synthesis, the most accurate interpretation of a personality matter may be gauged from particular astrological aspects. Bailey herself, or the Tibetan Master through her, gave the key to the psychosynthetic approach by allocating esoteric rulerships to the Signs for Man on the Path and a further set of rulers, called “hierarchical”, which apply to those disciples who are initiate and engaged in the work of the Hierarchy of this planet, as It implements the Divine Plan for the Earth.