Władysław Chłopicki, PhD, is Assistant Professor at the Institute of English Studies at Jagiellonian University, Kraków, and Head of the Institute of Humanities of Krosno State College. He published a book-length introduction to humour studies in Polish (1995) and is the editor-in-chief of the Humor and Culture series. He is also the editor of Kognitywizm i komunikatywizm [Cognitive and Communicative Paradigms in Linguistics] (2006) and two volumes on intercultural communication (2007, 2010).
Together they are co-editors of European Journal of Humour Research and editors of Polish Humour (2012), Humor polski (2014), Termin w językoznawstwie [Terminology in Linguistics] (2012), and the two volumes of Poland and Estonia: Creativity and Tradition in Cultural Communication (2012, 2013). They are board members of the Cracow Tertium Society for the Promotion of Language Studies and long-time members of the International Society of Humour Studies.