Dirty South Series

· Kat Addams
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Grit and Grind

Being a best-selling romance author doesn’t make falling in love any easier …

Christopher Kaiser’s books were taking the romance genre by storm. Rumor even had it that his sexy stories had actually been inspired by personal experiences. But the notorious Southern playboy wasn’t ready for a stand-alone relationship. What would happen to his writing if Christopher settled for just one muse?

He was about to find out …

Aspiring author Klara Woods found herself lacking inspiration. A string of bad relationships and a meet-cute gone wrong had left her with empty sheets … in more ways than one. Taking matters into her own hands, Klara decided to jump-start her career by attending a writer’s workshop in her hometown of Memphis.

But it was her love life that was about to get a rewrite in the city of grit and grind.

Nashvegas Nights

What happened backstage didn’t always stay backstage … in Nashvegas.

Music Row star Jason Jones loved three things—his dog, ice-cold beer, and gorgeous redheads. His life sounded like a country song … and he had the baggage to prove it.

One minute, he was onstage, crooning to a flame-haired goddess, and then he was backstage, giving her an encore she’d never forget.

Neither would he …

Hot-mess express Dorothy Elizabeth Prudence was a nurse by day and lonely by night. With a name like that, she never got laid. That was about to change, thanks to her wingwoman bestie.

Hitting Nashville’s Music Row for a wild night had seemed like an excellent idea. She was only looking for a good time but found a lot more than she’d bargained for.

They both did …

Mr. Big Ego

Finding love in The Big Easy is a gamble … especially when he’s your new boss. 

Event planner Samantha Masson had sworn off alpha men after a nasty divorce. The last thing she was looking for was a man with an ego bigger than his bank account. Too bad that was exactly what she found when she spent a wild night in the arms of a masked stranger.

Planning a Halloween masquerade gala for the infamous Victor Beaumont made a nice addition to her reputable portfolio. She just hadn’t planned on becoming a notch on his bedpost … or falling for him in the process. 

But there was more to the man behind the mask …

Millionaire Victor Beaumont owned the largest rum distillery in New Orleans. He had power, wealth, and all that came with it, including the crushing weight of responsibility. 

He would gladly walk away from everything for a chance to be his own man, but tradition wouldn’t allow it … and neither would his pride. 

As a skilled actor, he had everyone fooled with his arrogance and charming wit. Until he met the infuriatingly talented and beautiful Samantha, who saw right through him. From rendezvous to romance, he couldn’t keep his hands off of her. 

To keep her, he would have to take his mask off once and for all … 

Keywords: small town romance, HEA, romance books, funny love books, romantic comedy, romantic comedy books, romcom books, rom-com, new adult romance, new adult, happily-ever-after, student teacher romance, college romance, romantic novels, love stories, southern romance, humorous fiction, funny romance, enemies to lovers, second chance romance, billionaire romance, boss romance, workplace romance

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