We are certain that Digital SAT The Essentials offers all the guidance you need to understand how the SAT is changing and how that affects you as a test taker.
R.test, the Best Assessment Tool
A complete rundown of how SAT is changing, including the changes in test structure, format, question types, topics, and does and don'ts on the Test Day
BlueBook-like interface complete with Desmos graphing calculator embedded so that you'll feel at home on the Test Day
THREE full-length practice tests that mirror the adaptive nature of the Digital SAT
All questions with detailed infographic explanations
Actionable report after each test including percentiles, time management, weakness analysis, recommended practice questions, and more!
R.test, a Research Based Tool
332,100 data points used to train the AI engine
234 researchers, engineers, analysts, and experts involved in developing R.test
59 patents registered
16 papers published
8 years of research and development in AI models
With R.test, Study Smarter Not Harder
Only 1/4 of the actual full-length test (20 - 30minutes), perfectly fits in a class period
3 times more efficient in studying and practicing
Focus your time and effort strategically and make the most out of it