The first step to passing any language-based exam is the mastery of vocabulary. Written by an ESL expert, McGraw-Hill : Essential Vocabulary for the TOEFL Test provides the methods you need to build vocabulary--both academic and campus--and the practice you need to perform strongly on test day.
Organized in a way that helps you maximize your study time, this practical guide takes you through a strategic three-step process--learning and understanding vocabulary,building and recording vocabulary, and using vocabulary--while offering exercises that help you remember word meanings and improve your feel of English.
McGraw-Hill: Essential Vocabulary for the TOEFL Test features 20 academic-style readings focusing on advanced vocabulary from the Academic Word List, which is the kind of content you'll find in the TOEFL test reading and listening (lecture) sections. It also includes dialogues about university life that will prepare you for the TOEFL test listening section for campus-related topics.
McGraw-Hill: Essential Vocabulary for the TOEFL Test provides
DIANE ENGELHARDT has taught conversational,business, and academic English in Canada and Germany. During her career of more than 20 years, she prepared students for the TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC, Cambridge First Certificate, and London Chamber of Commerce examinations and for university entrance. She currently teaches as an independent ESL contractor at Royal Roads University in Victoria, British Columbia.