In this seemingly peaceful society, Dora Dana Dasnan, a gifted Visionaire, serves the leading race of Descendants by reporting her Visions of the future. But when she witnesses a forbidden VisionтАФan intimate contact with a Human manтАФshe realizes her life is in danger. Escape from this disciplined and controlled society seems impossible, but just when Dora loses all hope, a teleportation error sends her to a new and astoundingly beautiful planet.
Here begins a remarkable journey where she adapts to an alien culture, learns the frightening truth behind her dystopic world, and experiences a Vision of the future that could save the Human race.
Descendants of Earth┬аis a trilogy comprising┬аThe Senthien,┬аThe Mind, and┬аThe Vision, blending science fiction and dystopian fiction with romance.
Tara Jade Brown lives in Switzerland with her husband, two sons, two cats, and a dog. Before becoming a full-time writer, she worked as a neuroscientist, an entrepreneur, and a marketing manager. Her works include her debut novel The Senthien, The Mind, The Vision, Swift Escape, and a few short stories: DanteтАЩs 9, Forbidden, and Far Away. To find out more, please go to