Hip Hop Finds the Yellow Easter egg is the second book in this series of “The Adventures of Hip Hop”. The Adventures of Hip Hop is a story about a family of wild bunnies who live in a hole in the woods. The family consists of Mommy and Daddy and Grandma and Grandpa also the brothers Edward and Bob and the Sisters Alice, Penelope, and Hip Hop who is the youngest bunny of the family. Hip Hop loves to go on adventures with her Grandpa and he is always the one willing to go with her. In this story, it is Easter, Hip Hop wakes up and she decides she wants to go to the Easter egg hunt in the Park. She Hips and Hops into the kitchen to see who will be able to take her to the Easter egg hunt in the park today! The Adventures of Hip Hop is a heartwarming story about Family relationships and a baby bunny that loves life and loves her bunny family. Hip Hop find the Yellow Easter Egg is my second book in the series of 'The Adventures of Hip Hop "with her wonderful bunny family.