It is designed to be understandable from both an entry level into a philosophical and theological discussions as well as still being detailed enough that seasoned readers will be able to create there own new discussions. I do not claim any divine knowledge or hidden secrets to life. I use logic and reason to look at as many areas of study as possible to find common threads in of truth that transcends nature, religious practices and societal norms. It is through a systematic overview of all studies simultaneously that we are able to logically deduce the fundamental principles of reality, our existence within it, (G)god and our moral obligations.
The purpose of this book is to create discussions and thoughts on topics. It may be a starting point for some, or a point of interest for others already walking their own journey. In either case, I hope it gives you something to think about and explore in your own thoughts and discussions.
I have spent most of my life questioning myself, God/god, reality and even existence itself. The last four decades presented me with an undying need to know and my search for information has led me through many various readings in many various areas of study. I can not say what parts of my thoughts come from what parts of my studies. To be honest, my conclusions are mostly intertwining ideologies that I expanded upon.
As I grew in my studies, I came to a basic conclusion that there was no one answer or truth: that none of the beliefs and religions I studied held the conclusions I sought. However, they did hold common threads that I eventually came to accept and explore. I believe nearly all world religions and conceptual writings hold grains of truth, but the teachings are written through different lenses of perception. It was upon these various grains of truth that religions would be created, theologies explained and philosophies explored. Many nations have been built upon some of these writings. However, I do not believe any of them actually knew the entire truth which they sought to explain. I do not claim to know that full truth either, but I believe I am closer than most things I have read.