Dave Rahn is the vice president and chief ministry officer for Youth for Christ/USA and continues to direct the MA in youth ministry leadership (www.youthministryleadership.com) for Huntington University. A youth ministry researcher, author, and leadership strategist, Dave now guides a team whose focus is to coach, train, resource, and serve Youth for Christ men and women from all over the country who lead nearly 2,100 community-based relational outreach ministries among teenagers. He and his wife, Susie, are empty nesting and cheering on the youth ministry careers of both recently graduated children, Jason and Alison.
Terry Linhart (PhD, Purdue University) is Chair of the Religion and Philosophy Department at Bethel College, Indiana where he teaches ministry-related courses. His research and writing has focused on missions, evangelism, multicultural ministry, and leadership development. He is the co-author of Evangelism Remixed: Empowering Students for Courageous and Contagious Faith, and author of Middle School Talksheets: Life of Christ and High School Talksheets: Life of Christ. Terry and his wife, Kelly, have three teenagers, Lauren, Jayson, and Sean.