Dave Anthony’s historical novel follows the developing love of two of the guerrilla fighters; the multiple identities of their Beloved Leader and the uneasy cooperation between the British and the communists against their common enemy.
"The Red Bicycle tells a fascinating story inspired by the Communist Party of Malaya's most infamous operative. Weaving together fact and fiction, Dave Anthony has produced a compelling historical narrative that spans four South East Asian countries. More importantly, he has provided a window into the lives of Party members by highlighting the personal relationships of his main characters. In so doing, he succeeds in giving them a human face; something conspicuously absent in most other accounts of the Party."
tan beng hui
Co-author, Feminism and the Women's Movement in Malaysia: An unsung (r)evolution
Dave Anthony is a Malaysian of Indian origin. He has worked extensively with the rubber tapping community across the length and breadth of peninsular Malaysia. He was editor and publisher of Church magazine for 15 years and the director of a communication centre and a production house making video productions such as corporate documentaries and docudramas. He lives in Malaysia with his wife and two sons.