Keith Spragg
This Graphic novel single handedly kick-started Daredevil on a rollercoaster ride, turning DD from a character no-one cared for, in to centre of the Marvel Universe. Kevin Smith tells a superb mystery, wrapping our hero's dual lives together, showing us what Matt Murdock is truly about. Key to this is Queseda's art; expressive and dynamic - DD flies through the sky, Hell's Kitchen lives and breathes in this book. I own the original, and have read the electronic version too. Worth buying 3 times over.
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Christian Bradley
Of course, Frank Miller's run will be the high water mark of Daredevil. But Kevin Smith perfectly relaunched what had become a stagnant character. Kevin was a great choice; as a Catholic he can identify with so much of Matt Murdock's inner struggles to make sense of his crazy world and life in general. Guardian Devil is a must read for any comic fan. I consider it perfect.
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I don't own the digital copy here but I do own a physical and want to let people know who enjoy reading digitally better to read this. It is a good story with beautiful artwork, the villain makes so much sense and it's on such a scale which I have never seen before. A must read for any Daredevil or conic book fan. It truly not only pushes Daredevil to his limits but Matt Murdock and he must question his catholic morals which is really what he is to his core.
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