Michael England
very dangerous. The successful construction of a functioning and working Gateway that is to one of the planets in our solar system . which God has appointed a guardian Angel with a double-edge flaming sword that turns in all for directions.that angel will come down on Earth and watch over your body. For 2 reasons,1" if a gates construction is correct and unique to it's planet. It opens a portal, between the heavens and hell. The Garden Angle keeps d demons from Crossing into our world and number tow (2) the guardian angel guards over the poor humans soulless body, providing protection and he's pissed off because he's not supposed to be there that Guardian Angel supposed to be up on that plant that God appointed him to keep Satan' off!! The Necromancers Soul, leaves his body, and rides on a silver line on the Golden Leaf ... when he gets to that planet, there is Satan with a beautiful gift of great power that he gives to. necromancer. No.. no book exist today that is not a reprint . very naive to think you can go to just any book store. The original Necromancer book IS inked with tha blood from The Unborn sacrificed child, The Binding, and cover to the book, fashioned and Bound in skin of an unborn child. this book is the most evil. makes demonology and Satanism look like Disneyland.