Actional Freedom is to not be confined by thoughts, rather in a stable state by practicing to condition ourselves. The mind can be controlled by thoughts, so it is important to understand the mental visualization readiness, through separation of controlment. Freedom is not the willingness, but the control over willingness with self-discipline, which will be the key over thoughts, actions, and behavior to not be imprisoned physically, or mentally by them. To practice intentionally regulating emotions, actions, and behavior to become free over thought, in which will lead to the freedom of action.
The wellness of the Soul element can become a mental condition in which the soul struggles to be free as it is held confined by thoughts and ideas. To have actional freedom is being in a Forged mental state which is having the resiliency and power of discipline over actions and behavior to remain calm in devastations. Be Forged!
Powerful! New Age Philosophy thinking which covers the major topics utilizing the natural elements and Stoic concepts!
D. Chaidez is a successful entrepreneur with various business, and investments, which have allowed him time to explore his passion of philosophy. He is a loving husband, father, son, and brother, that will soon be a grandfather.
His expertise is collaborating on various projects, with a diversified mindset and outlook on matters. D. Chaidez mostly enjoys observation of the natural ways