patrick lanford
Dennett does a wonderful job of dissecting the issues facing evolution and why many find it so difficult to accept. His use of the terms 'skyhooks' and 'cranes' is especially helpful in exposing how many anti-Darwinians approach discussions on evolution. The ripple effects of Darwin's work are still being felt today, and for many people, these effects will turn their worldview on its head. Dennett indeed talks about the implications of a Darwinian worldview is some detail. He rightly shows us that the such a worldview need not be devoid of value, beauty, or morality. This book does presuppose some understanding of current philosophical topics, especially in the area of philosophy of mind.
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B** **s
The Four Horsemen of wrestling had "The Enforcer" Double A, master of the Brainbuster, and the Four Horsemen of atheism have the master of the Brainstorm, "The Empiricist" Double D!