What does it take to persuade an entire Islamic nation to recall and rewrite their religious education materials in order to no longer teach that the Bible has been changed? Only one thing: the Qur’an itself. The Qur’an clearly states that the Bible has not been changed and, even more shockingly, says that anyone who teaches that the Bible has been changed is in fact doomed to hell.
This book, Has the Bible Been Changed?, was the reason that in 1996 the Department of Religious Affairs in Turkey recalled their existing teaching materials. As you explore these pages, you will see exactly what the Qur’an says that is so powerful that even Islamic leaders are caused to reverse course. But this book is not persuasive with many words. Rather, it shows the reader Scripture verses and other pertinent facts that will help lead one to the ultimate Truth, that there is indeed only one God, and the way to Him is through His Son, Jesus Christ. It behooves you to read this book to know that you can put your faith and confidence in the entire Bible, that it is indeed the unchangeable, inerrant Word of God.
And we did give Moses the guidance and made the Children of Israel to inherit the Scripture. A guide and a reminder for men of understanding (Mu’min 40:53-54).
Dan Wickwire was born in California in 1951 and grew up in the city of Bakersfield. His military service included three years in the U.S. army, during which he was trained as a medic, a paratrooper, and a Green Beret. He served a tour of duty as a combat medic in Vietnam.
Dan’s education includes:
· * Bakersfield College, earning an associate’s degree in liberal arts.
· * Multnomah School of the Bible, studying Bible, Hebrew, and Greek, and earning a bachelor’s degree in theology.
· * Columbia Biblical Seminary & School of Missions, earning a master’s degree in Bible.
· * Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL); the University of Texas at Arlington; and the University of Oklahoma at Norman, studying linguistics. Dan earned a master’s degree in linguistics at Pacific Western University.
· * Ankara University in Ankara, Turkey, completing one year of doctoral studies in Islamics in the Department of Islamic Theology.
Dan is married to Devri and is the father of three sons: Derek Yekta, Andrew Nadir, and Peter Can. He is an ordained minister who has served as a church planting missionary in Turkey for twenty-eight years. Dan and Devri currently reside in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.