Damian Harvey lives in North Wales with his lovely wife, Vicky. He has three wonderful daughters, one brilliant boy and a cat called Polly. He has written more than 130 books for primary school aged children and is busy writing more. When he isn't writing, Damian loves visiting schools, libraries, bookshops, festivals and anywhere that will have him, where he shares stories, talks about writing and gets people excited about books and reading. You can find out more about Damian by visiting http://www.damianharvey.co.uk and follow him on Twitter @damianjharvey
Noopur is a children's book illustrator based in England. Her creative inspiration comes from simple things around her like art, food, nature or going to parks and museums with her boys or visiting local craft markets, bookshops and cafes. Most of Noopur's work starts with a pencil sketch and then rendered on Procreate or Adobe Photoshop. She uses a lot of traditional sketching and painting skills to help influence her digital work. If she wasn't an illustrator, she would definitely have been a baker and confectioner.cu